Blue Grass Council

(859) 231-7811 •


Leadership Training for the Youth Leaders of your Scouting Unit

JULY 17-22, 2022

Camp McKee


Register Now to Attend

NYLT is limited to 48 participants, so reserve your spot today.

Early Bird discount of $50 ends April 2.  The cost of the NYLT Training is $300. A $100 deposit will reserve your spot. Partial scholarships are available on request.  Register online or download form at:

There is a limit of six youth per Unit. Most units will help with deposits and/or fees. Visit our website for forms, questions, and info:

What is NYLT?

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is the foremost youth leadership development program for BSA. It is designed to give Scouts in leadership roles in-depth experience in time management, event planning, patrol communication, and making ethical decisions. Often referred to as a "Wood Badge for Youth", this course enables youth to develop into strong, capable leaders that allow their home units to reach new peak levels of success. NYLT is open to both Troops and Crews from across the council. This is a mountaintop experience that will stay with Scouts for a lifetime. Are you ready to take on the adventure and challenge that is NYLT?

What do you get out of it? What are the objectives?

  • Knowledge to operate as a YOUTH-LED organization as NYLT runs a model unit
  • Team and personal development and how those elements relate
  • Effective leadership, communication/teaching skills and conflict resolution
  • Stages of team development (form-storm-norm-perform)
  • Scouting fellowship and fun guided by the Scout Oath and Law
  • Scouting at its finest.

What is the result?


  • Remarkable change in the operation of their Troops and Crews when applied
  • Clear understanding their role in the operation of their unit 


If you have a scout that has registered for NYLT and has not received a welcome email from us, please have them email.  We want to make sure we do not miss anyone.  

Yours In Scouting,

Penny Wilbur and Phil Blankenship

2022 NYLT Scoutmasters

If you have any questions, please email:

or call:

SM Penny Wilbur 859-582-8278

ASM Phil Blankenship 859-582-4479