Sailing Academy
June 28-July 2, 2021
Our Sailing Academy is where it’s at. The Texas Trails Council BSA takes pride in its New sailing summer camp. Beginning sailors learn a huge volume in a very short time. Students’ progress from never having seen a sailboat, to sailing it by themselves by week’s end. Join this classic water sport at any level; and if you put your mind and effort to it, you can become a skipper, too. Give it a try, take the tiller in your hand and helm the boat. What better place to learn than at a camp on the water? The Academy will include Small Boat Sailing, Windsurfing, and introduction to Keelboat Sailing. You will build great friendships, participate in fun after-sail activities and become a real “Sea Dog”.
The 2021 Sailing Academy will be held @ the Abilene Sailing Association on Lake Ft. Phantom Hill, North of Abilene Texas.
BSA Medical Form required for SAILING ACADEMY