Texas Trails Council | Boy Scouts of America


October 18, 2016

Notice of 2016 Texas Trails Council Annual Business Meeting

In accordance with the Bylaws of the Texas Trails Council, Boy Scouts of America; this is the official notice of the Council’s Annual Business Meeting scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, December 15, 2016 at the Council Service Center, 3811 North 1st Street Abilene TX 79603

Council President, Jack, proudly announced that the following community leaders have been approved as the 2017 Nominating Committee of the Texas Trails Council:

1. Lee Hamilton, Chairperson (Abilene) hamiltol@taylorcountytexas.org
2. John Beckham, (Abilene) JLBeckham@sbcglobal.net
3. Trent Swearengin, (Stephenville) TSwearengin@ffin.com
4. Glen Harrison (Sweetwater) gharrison32nd@gmail.com
5. Bill Ellis, (Brownwood) President@hputx.edu  

6.   Seth Shortes (Breckenridge) seth-raydon@taylortel.net

7.  Jack Rentz, (Abilene) jrentz@rentechboilers.com

Mark Conrad, (Scout Executive as non-voting secretary) Mark.Conrad@scouting.org

Nominations for all council elective offices shall be made by the nominating committee and no nominations can be made from the floor. So, all members of the Texas Trails Council are invited to make recommendations of possible nominees to the Council Nominating Committee for its consideration. Nominations must be submitted to the Council Nominating Committee in writing no later than November 18th 2016. A form is attached to aid in this process.

Shane Price, Vice-President of Administration, has been appointed to chair the 2017 Annual Committee on Program and Resolutions. The other members of this committee are President Jack Rentz, and Past President, John Beckham. Active members of the Texas Trails Council are invited to make any suggestions to this committee in writing for the arrangement of the program and resolutions to be considered at the annual business meeting. These suggestions must be received by the committee at least 5 days before the Annual Business meeting. No such resolution can be considered at the regular meeting, unless it has been presented to, or proposed by the committee; in accordance with Article III, Section 6 of the Bylaws.

Please send any nominations or suggestions to the committees in care of the Texas Trails Council Service Center at 3811 N. 1th St., Abilene, Texas 79603.For further information contact Mark Conrad or Cindy Webb at the Council Service Center (325) 677-2688 or email them at mconrad@bsamail.org

2017 Executive Board Nomination form


Wolfe Family Scout Service Center

   3811 North 1st St.
   Abilene, TX 79603
   Phone (325) 677-2688
   Fax (325) 677-2923

Scout Shop Hours
10:00 am to 5:00 pm

8:30 am to 5:00 pm

9:00 am to 1:00 pm

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