Texas Trails Council | Boy Scouts of America


Popcorn Reminders
  • Popcorn Take orders are due online TOMORROW, November 10th!  Orders are to be placed in the popcorn ordering system online.  Orders are not to be given via paper or email to the office.
  • If you have problems logging in, please contact Tesha @ tconditt@bsamail.org OR 325.677.688
  • ALL money is due to the Council NO later than December 20, 2016!  Please only pay the portion due to the Council.
  • Once you have placed your order, you can place your prize order.  The link is located in the CampMaster's ordering site, on the lower left hand portion of the yellow strip.
  • Please make sure that you have the correct address in the system for prizes.  They will be shipped directly to you.
  • Prizes orders will be released as soon as all invoices are paid in full.
  • You will need to order your BONUS lanterns at the same time you order your regular prizes. We do not have these in stock, and do not order these for you.
  • Please email Tesha with your TOP seller.  We will be giving a Top Seller prize at the Popcorn Party December 17, 2016 at Gattis in Abilene.  11:30-1:30.  The office has no way of knowing your top seller, unless you have emailed it in.  Tesha must receive this by Friday, December 16th at noon!  We will also be drawing for the grand prize at this event as well.  
  • Units that qualify for the BONUS will receive their BONUS checks in January.  Please email Tesha with the address you want it sent to.  Must have sold $10,000 for the $500 bonus and $25,000 for the $1000 bonus.  Internet bonus will be sent at the same time as the High Sales Bonus.  ONLY 1 Inernet bonus will be awarded. See Leader's guide available online for qualifications.   


Contact Tesha qith any questions