Camp Billy Gibbons is located on Brady Creek 13 miles south of Richland Springs, TX, and is one of the older camps in this area.
The camp is operated year-round and is used for summer camp, Order of the Arrow, Camporees, Junior Leader Training, Boy Scout Leader Basic Training, and weekend camping by Scout Troops.
Water and electricity are available only for official Council activities. A permit is required to use the camp. The first summer camp was held in 1931 at the “old” Camp Billy Gibbons located about three miles downriver from the “new” camp which held its first summer camp in 1947. Contact the Texas Trails Council if you would like more information on Camp Billy Gibbons for summer camp or make a reservation for your unit to camp out on a weekend.
Usage Policy for Camp Billy Gibbons
Texas Trails’ Camp Billy Gibbons is used year-round by units in the Council. As the Council does not have a Camp Ranger residing in the camp, a set of regulations has been established which all groups and units must adhere to when using the facilities.
All groups, units, and individuals must receive advance approval from the Council before using the camp. Applications for approval to use Camp Billy Gibbons are available from the Council Service Center.
Available only to registered Webelos, Boy Scouts, and Varsity Team Members. Venture Crews, leaders, and qualified prospective members and adults. Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts are restricted to daytime use, only, except for family camping approved by the Council. Special Work Project Crews as approved by the Council.
All units must have two (2) registered leaders or one (1) adult and a parent of a participating Scout, one of whom must be a least 21 years of age or older. Venture Crews must have two (2) leaders at least 21 years of age, one of which must be a female if the Crew is co-ed.
Male and female leadership require separate sleeping facilities. Married couples may share the same quarters if appropriate tents or facilities are available. Male and female youth participants will not share the same the same sleeping facility. NO YOUTH may stay in the tent of an adult other than his/her parent or guardian.
Youth and adults will not shower at the same time in the same facility. If separate shower and restroom facilities are not available, schedule and post times for youth/adult and male/female shower use. For restroom use, the buddy system should be utilized by having a person wait outside the entrance; or use “occupied” and “unoccupied” signs and/or inside door latches.
Seat belts are required for all occupants. Trucks may not be used for transporting passengers except in the cab. No person may ride in the bed of a truck even if it has a cab on it. Trailers must never be used for carrying passengers. Only licensed drivers at least 18 years of age may drive a vehicle in camp. A licensed youth member at least 16 years of age may be a driver, provided an adult who is at least 21 years of age is in the vehicle with the youth and provided the youth has at least six (6) months of driving experience as a licensed driver (not a Learner’s Permit).
All cars and trucks must be parked in the parking lot AT ALL TIMES during special activities, including Order of the Arrow, Camporees, Summer Camps, Training Courses, etc. Vehicles are allowed in campsites to unload and load equipment.
All swimming activities must be conducted according to the Safe Swim Defense Plan. All boating and/or canoeing activities must follow Safety AFloat and ALL persons in a boat or canoe must wear a Personal Floatation device (PFD) at all times. Rifle Range must be used under the supervision of a currently certified NRA rifle instructor who is 21 years of age or older. Prior permission for the use of the range must be obtained from the Council.
Units should camp only in established campsites unless otherwise authorized by the Council Office. Fires are to be built in established areas and under constant supervision. All trash and garbage must be taken home with you as we have no trash dump. No flames in tents. Only flashlights and electric lanterns are permitted in tents. Chemical stoves and lanterns may be used in camp (but not in tents) only with knowledgeable adult supervision. Keep campsite neat and clean. Restrooms must be swept out and cleaned. No trash should be thrown in latrine pits. Latrine seats should be cleaned and closed. Urinals should be cleaned of any debris. Water faucets are to be turned off in the summer. During the wintertime, when water is off, all faucets need to be left open to prevent freezing. Buildings/lodges need to be cleaned and swept out, fireplaces cleaned out of all ashes, lights turned off, doors, windows, and shutters closed. Any damages should be reported to the Council Office.
Protect wildflowers, trees, and wildlife. Do not cut trees or use chainsaws without the permission of the Council Office. Only trees that have been specially marked by the Council may be cut or trimmed. Do not ditch tents or otherwise alter the terrain. Units are encouraged to complete a conservation project. Chainsaws may only be used by persons 21 years of age or older wearing proper safety gear. Eighteen to twenty-year-olds may use chain saws under proper supervision by an adult 21 years of age or older.
The Texas Trails Council carries Camper’s Accident and Sickness insurance. Contact the Council Office for additional information on the insurance.
Any alcoholic beverage or controlled substances, fireworks, dogs or pets of any kind, firearms, ammunition, or archery equipment.
Adult leaders should support the attitude that young adults are better off without tobacco and should not allow the use of tobacco products at camp.
The private property (Sorell Ranch) on the other side of Brady Creek is OFF LIMITS to Scouts, etc. unless prior permission is obtained from the OWNERS. Contact the Council Office for details. Any group, regardless of its size, must be under adult supervision at all times and may not be on the ranch during hunting season for safety reasons. NO fires or overnight camping is permitted. All gates, water systems, etc. must be left alone or left as they are found. Bring back all trash with you. No hunting or fishing is allowed on the ranch.